2024 4th International Conference on New Energy and Power Engineering (ICNEPE 2024)


The 3rd International Conference on New Energy and Power Engineering

第三届新能源与电力工程国际学术会议(ICNEPE 2023)


The 3rd International Conference on New Energy and Power Engineering has been held on November 24-26, 2023 in Huzhou. The conference is sponsors by Huzhou Nanxun Innovation Research Institute The College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Water Resources and Electric Power School of Electrical Engineering, Nantong University and Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE. The vice president ofZhejiang University of Water Resources and Electric Power Jianjun Wang give the opening speech on the conference. ICNEPE 2023 includes 5 keynote speakers and 8 oral speakers to share academic reports. Thanks to the support of experts and scholars!

第三届新能源与电力工程国际学术会议(ICNEPE 2023)已于2023年11月24-26日在湖州召开线下会议。会议由湖州南浔创新研究院、浙江水利水电学院电气工程学院、南通大学电气工程学院主办,IEEE提供技术支持。浙江水利水电学院王建军副校长致开幕词。会议包括4位主讲嘉宾及9位口头报告学者的学术分享。感谢参与及听取报告的各位学者!


Group Photo/大合照


Keynote Speeches/主旨报告 


Prof. Jingfeng Mao, Nantong University


题目:Nonlinear coordinated control for multi-source access in distributed light-storage DC microgrids


Prof.Omid Mahian, Ningbo University

Omid Mahian,教授,宁波大学

题目:Renewable energy systems performance using nanoparticles


Prof. Jinghong Zhou, Changchun Institute of Technology


题目:Dual Carbon Targets and New Power System


Assoc. Prof. Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Beijing Jiaotong University

Sohrab Mirsaeidi,副教授,北京交通大学

题目:Application of Multiple-Run Methods in Contingency Analysis of Hybrid AC/DC Grids


Oral Presentations/口头报告 

List of oral Presentation   口头报告名单

Saqib Khalid, The University of Lahore Saqib Khalid,拉合尔大学

Ghulam Abbas, Southeast University   Ghulam Abbas,东南大学

Muhammad Faizan, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences  Muhammad Faizan,中国科学院大学

Alejandro Zavaleta Mendoza, Beijing Jiaotong University   Alejandro Zavaleta Mendoza,北京交通大学

Jiaqi Xu, Tsinghua University   许家齐,清华大学

Dexiang Li, Nanning Power Supply Bureau of Guangxi Power Grid Co., Ltd. 李德祥,广西电网有限责任公司南宁供电局

Yuan Wang, North China Electric Power University   王愿,华北电力大学

Yuzhe Chen, Wuhan University   陈语哲,武汉大学

Best Oral Presentation Award  最佳口头报告奖


Yuzhe Chen, Wuhan University   陈语哲,武汉大学

The conference attracted many experts and scholars from universities and scientific research institutions at home and abroad to participate in the conference online. During the conference, the participants carried out a constructive dialogue and discussion around the experts and scholars' reports, achieved positive results in many aspects, and deepened the academic discussion and research exchange in New Energy and Power Engineering and other fields. 
